Monday, February 22, 2010

Protein Shakes

One of the proactive things I have been doing is trying out different protein shakes.  For the two weeks before and the two weeks after the surgery, I will have to drink all of my protein.  I have to take in 60 grams of protein a day.  I can only have 4 grams or less of sugar in the drink as well.  

Knowing that I am picky as is, we figured we had better start trying now.  Jeff made a form for me to enter how well I liked the shakes.  The ratings from best to worse are: Awesome, Good, Tolerable, Bad, Liquid Death (yes, liquid death).  Here are my comments so far.

TimestampName of the DrinkFlavorRatingComments
1/29/2010Atkins AdvantageMilk Choclolate Delight ShakeBad15 Protein
1 Sugars
2/3/2010AdvantEdgeChocolate FudgeTolerableBetter when you don't have to smell it.

Protein: 17g
Sugars: 0
2/4/2010Oh yeah! Strawberries and CremeTolerableBetter when really cold. A bit aftertasty. Protein: 32 g Sugars: 3g
Sugars: 0g

Lot of protein in just 4 oz of water!
2/8/2010 18:40:32Muscle MilkChocolateGoodHad a little bit of a coffee/vanilla taste

3g sugar
25g protein
2/9/2010 20:29:15Oh yeah!Cookies and CreamGoodChalky, but good.

3g sugar
32g protein
2/10/2010 18:10:45Oh yeah! Bananas and CreameTolerable32g Protein
3g Sugars
2/11/2010 22:55:58Oh yeah!Chocolate MilkshakeBad32g protein
3g sugar

Didn't finish.
2/12/2010 19:02:29Oh yeah!Vanillia CreameAwesome32g Protein
3g Sugar

2/22/2010 20:46:30Bariatric AdvantageVanilliaBadBad smell and aftertaste. Had to plug my nose. Gritty texture.

Protein: 27g
Sugar: .5 g